Trinity College Unveils Grand Canal Innovation District Plans

An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar T.D. has launched a plan for the creation of the Grand Canal Innovation District in Dublin. The proposal from Trinity College Dublin is modelled on innovation districts in cities such as Boston, Toronto, Rotterdam and Barcelona. It is hoped the project will strengthen Ireland’s competitive advantage when developing new indigenous companies or competing for foreign direct investment.

A memorandum of understanding has been agreed between Dublin’s universities and a special government-led advisory group which is aimed at developing the new district, which will include the proposed development of a new €1 billion Trinity campus at Grand Canal Quay.

Speaking about the initiative, the Taoiseach said: “I am really excited about this plan to further develop the Silicon Docks as an Innovation District involving a collaboration of business, Government and the university sector. It speaks eloquently to our vision of making Ireland the tech capital of Europe and our plans to ensure that the jobs of the future are created first here in Ireland. The development of the District will also help to ensure the continued balanced development of the area to the benefit of the local community.”

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