Nuts about business

Eliza Ward, NutShed Co-Founder, describes a typical day building a successful brand

7AM Alarm goes off and after a few snoozy minutes, I get up and slowly get myself ready for the day. I’m a slow mover in the winter mornings. I glance at my emails so there are no surprises ahead of me. Building a brand and manufacturing business means no two days are the same! 8:15AM I take my 35 minute walk to work, which I treasure. I use the time to respond to friends and voice notes or play a work-related podcast. 8:50-11AM I get into work and take a ginger shot. Evie (my sister and Co-Founder) arrives around the same time and we have breakfast together and chat about the day ahead. I prepare some barley cup (I gave up coffee last year) and a bowl of porridge with a big dollop of NutShed peanut butter. Richard, our Materials Controller and Dispatch Manager, usually pops up to keep us in the loop with everything happening in the factory. Afterwards I tackle my inbox, which usually takes longer than I anticipate. 11AM I’ll usually nip down to the factory and check in with our team to make sure we’re on schedule to roll and roast and grind and pour for the days ahead. I respond to any online customer queries that may have come in over the day. I love having that connectivity with our customers. I’ll also try to touch base with our Sales Manager Sean. 1:15PM We sadly eat lunch at our desks these days. We’ve got some major projects going on at the moment so the second part of our day is meetings and decision-making. 3:30PM We’re doing some expansion work so there’s usually contractors to meet. I’ll do some admin, tackle some research and make a quick plan for the next day. 5:40PM We’re pretty strict on finishing up at this time. After several years of hard slog, we’ve worked hard to introduce some balance into our lives. 6:15PM In the evening, I spend some time with my dogs. I try to do 35 minutes of yoga, I light my diffuser and create a calm space before having a quick dinner. 8:00PM I respond to a few emails and then relax into some TV or a podcast, before an early bed around 10pm.

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