SFA Criticises ‘Banded Hours Bill’

The so-called ‘Banded Hours Bill’ aims to ensure employers provide employees with certain terms of employment within a certain period after commencing employment and to impose sanctions for certain offences, but the SFA believes it is “out of touch”.

SFA Director Sven Spollen-Behrens stated: “The so-called ‘Banded Hours Bill’ is completely out of touch with the reality facing many small businesses. Flexible work arrangements are essential in a number of sectors to meet the demands of 21st century customers. Outlawing this flexibility will wipe out many small businesses providing elderly care, for instance, as well as small retail and hospitality operators.”

According to the SFA, flexible employment suits many people at different stages of their lives, including students, parents and carers. There is a general desire amongst these groups to stay connected to the workforce, developing skills and earning, but with the option to decline shifts when they are not available.

“A cohort of SFA members have told us that they will not be able to operate their businesses if the Banded Hours Bill is introduced in its current form. The SFA is calling on TDs to stand up for flexibility for small firms and the people they employ around the country,” concluded Mr. Spollen-Behrens.

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Pictured above: Sven Spollen-Behrens, Director, Small Firms Association 
