Irish App to Aid Remote Work Sees Usage Surge

An Irish app which allows employees to operate from anywhere has seen a 300% increase in daily usage in the past two days. Over 2,200 Magnet Networks users activated the company’s Voice app for the first time on Wednesday and Thursday, allowing them to replicate the office environment at home.

The app allows all employees of a client company to access their desk phones from a remote location such as a mobile handset or laptop, and to make calls from the same office number.

“27 staff from our two call centres all worked from home on Wednesday and because they were using the app, we didn’t miss one enquiry as businesses called about setting up the service,” said Mark Kellett, CEO, Magnet Networks.
“Many of our client businesses already use the app widely in their sales teams, but with the current weather alerts, companies were giving it to their entire staff to enable them to safely work from home.

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“Once you turn on the app, your office phone stops ringing and your home or car seamlessly becomes your workplace across an unlimited number of devices.

“In less than 90 seconds clients were able to set up an out of office message if they were closing, and for the majority who remained open, they were able to get the app up and running in the same amount of time.”

Pictured above: Mark Kellett, CEO, Magnet Networks
