Expansion of Engineering and Research Unit at DCU Opens

Minister of State for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O’Connor, TD has officially opened a major new wing of the Stokes Engineering and Research Building at Dublin City University. Costing over €11 million, the expansion will provide lecturing facilities for up to 1,400 students. The project is part of the University’s Campus Capital Development Plan (2016-2020) and was funded by the European Investment Bank.

The new unit spans four storeys and includes two large lecture theatres, six lecture rooms, 22 office space units and 8 open plan research and office units.

The Stokes Engineering and Research Building is home to the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering and the School of Electronic Engineering at DCU and was named in honour of Sir George Gabriel Stokes, the Sligo-born polymath renowned for many advances in science.

Speaking at today’s event, Minister of State for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O’Connor TD, said: “The opening of the new wing of the Stokes Engineering and Research Building at Dublin City University is a demonstration of the university’s strong commitment to creating a vibrant and dynamic environment for research and innovation to thrive and flourish.

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The opening of the facility is also crucially important to cater for an expanding student population at DCU, one of the country’s fastest growing universities.

It is also important to note that the level of development underway at DCU reflects the scale and ambition of DCU who play a pivotal role, nationally and internationally in STEM education and research.”

Pictured above: Minister of State for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O’Connor, with students Bobby Ring, George Mihailescu, Isha McDonnell and Aidan Byrne

Image by: Julien Behal Photography
